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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Louvain Edition of the Vulgate and the New Testament in the Translation by Jakub Wujek from 1593 : Study of Matthew 16:13-20


Nicko-Stępień, Paulina

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce T. 61 (2017) Special Issue


Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk ; Pospiszil, Agnieszka : Tł.

Place of publishing:



s. 147-166

Type of object:



The article is devoted to the influence of the Louvain edition of the Vulgate on the workshop of Jakub Wujek, one of the most famous sixteenth-century translators of the Bible. This relationship is shown based on the example of the pericope concerning the promise of the primacy of St. Peter from Matthew 16:13‒20. Until now, studies of the method of the Jesuit from Wągrowiec have availed themselves at random of various editions of the Vulgate (different from those used by the translator, including even modern translations), leading to erroneous conclusions about his workshop. The article comprises the exact editions on which Wujek based his work. This method enabled the discovery that the marginal notes added to the text by the translator were not compiled by him, but transcribed from the Louvain edition of the Vulgate.


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Sawicki S., “Biblia Wujka w kulturze polskiej,” Studia Gnieźnieńskie 1 (1975)
Siatkowska E., “Samodzielność przekładu Nowego Testamentu przez Jakuba Wujka, Jana Blahoslava i Michała Frencla,” in: Biblia a kultura Europy. 2000 lat chrześcijaństwa, vol. 1, ed. M. Kamińska, E. Małek (Łódź, 1992)
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Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce


61 SI

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Detailed Resource Type:

Artykuł naukowy oryginalny



Resource Identifier:

oai:rcin.org.pl:65071 ; 0029-8514 ; 2450-8349 ; 10.12775/OiRwP.2017.SI.07


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Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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Biblioteka Instytutu Historii PAN

Projects co-financed by:

Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego ; Działalność upowszechniająca naukę (DUN)





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