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Etnografia Polska 59 Z. 1-2 2015 (2016)
Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Bringing up children abroad and their enculturation is an extraordinary difficult and complicated process. It is connected with numerous problems with which have to face their parents or foster-fathers who are responsible for their preparation to the living in the society. Among dilemmas standing before them are those associated with creating the cultural heritage of the young generation and constructing their identifications (ethnical, cultural, religious). This problems refers also to the refugees from Chechnya and asylum seekers from others Caucasian countries who have been living in Poland – both benefiting already from the international protection and applying only for the refugee status. The issues concerning their acculturation, adaptation and socialization of children are the subject of my research interests since 2009 when I’ve begun the research project granted by Polish National Centre of Science enabling the multi-sited field researches. ; In this paper I try to answer the crucial question: to which degree the identity of minors refugees is built from elements of the new culture (the host culture) which replace the patterns of their own culture („deconstructed identity”), and in which, from elements of the culture of their origin which are replicated in the present environment but in changed social-cultural context („reconstructed identity)”. These problems stay in the circle of the multicultural issues and the integration policy which becomes more and more current every year especially in the context of growing intense of global movement and radicalization of attitudes toward immigrants in Europe
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Kość-Ryżko, Katarzyna
Kość-Ryżko, Katarzyna
Kość-Ryżko, Katarzyna
Boćkowski, Daniel (1968– )