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The influence of car transport on the sanitary state of the soils is the subject of numerous investigations, carried out in various regions of the world, including Poland. The purpose of the study here presented was to determine the content of the heavy metals (Ni, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Cr) in the soils of the areas situated along the roads, characterised by different intensities of traffic, different throughput capacities and smoothness of car traffic flow, as well as different road qualities. Investigations have been carried out in various regions of Poland, in the vicinity of the national roads, expressways, as well as motorways. The samples were collected along the transects, located perpendicularly to the road edge, at distances of 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 metres from the road edge. The analysis of the results obtained allowed for the formulation of the following conclusions: the differences as to the heavy metal content in the soils between the particular segments analysed reach the ratio of over 100 times; the decrease of heavy metal content in the soils follows the distance away from the road towards the open space, and is characterized by a more regular distribution in the case of the areas along the national roads and less regular in the case of areas along the motorways; with similar intensities of traffic, the impact of the motorways on the environment is decidedly lower than of the national roads.
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2. Bojakowska I., Duszyński J., Jaroń I., Kucharzyk J., Lech D., Maksymowicz A., 2009. Zróżnicowanie zawartości metali ciężkich w glebach przy drogach wylotowych z Warszawy. Przegląd Geologiczny, 57, 12, pp. 1073–1077.
3. Degórski M., 2011. Influence of traffic into the environment properties and human. UGI Regional Geographic Conference, United Integration with the World, Conference Proceedings, CD, 20111743H5VYV4, Santiago, pp. 1-9.
4. Jullien A., François D., 2006. Soil indicators used in road environmental impact assessments Resources. Conservation & Recycling, 48, 2, pp. 101–124. -
5. Karczewska A., Kabała C., Lizurek S., Zając S., 2004. Zanieczyszczenie gleb metalami ciężkimi w sąsiedztwie Szosy Jakuszyckiej na obrzeżach Karkonoskiego Parku Narodowego. [in:] J. Štursa, K.R. Mazurski, A. Palucki, J. Potocka (eds.), Geoekologické problémy Krkonoš. Sborn. Mez. Věd. Konf., November 2003, Szklarska Poręba. Opera Corcontica, 41, pp. 60–65.
6. Kopta T., 2001. Twój samochód zagraża twemu życiu. Polski Klub Ekologiczny, Wrocław.
7. Legret M., Pagotto C., 2006. Heavy metal deposition and soil pollution along two major rural highways. Environ. Technol., 27, pp. 247–254. -
8. Plak A., Bartmiński P., Dębicki R., 2010. Wpływ transportu publicznego na zawartość wybranych metali ciężkich w glebach sąsiadujących z ulicami Lublina. Proceedings of ECOpole, 4, 1, pp. 1–10.
9. Wołowiec K., 2005. Kadm, żelazo i ołów w próbkach śniegu zebranych w sąsiedztwie drogi krajowej 762. Zeszyty Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego Akademii Świętokrzyskiej im Jana Kochanowskiego, Materiały 14 Sesji Studenckich Kół Naukowych Akademii Świętokrzyskiej im Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach.
10. Wpływ współczesnej motoryzacji na środowisko z uwzględnieniem takich zjawisk jak: efekt cieplarniany, smog, skażenie gleb metalami ciężkimi, sposoby ograniczenia emisji spalin, 2009,
File size 1,7 MB ; application/pdf ; 1429-7132 ; 10.7163/Eu21.2015.28.7
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Oct 13, 2023
May 10, 2016
Edition name | Date |
Degórski M., Zawiska I. - The influence of car traffic on the sanitary state of the soils | Oct 13, 2023 |
Solon, Jerzy (1954– ) Roo-Zielińska, Ewa (1948– ) Affek, Andrzej Kowalska, Anna (1977– ) Kruczkowska, Bogusława Wolski, Jacek (1971– ) Degórski, Marek Grabińska, Bożenna (1952– ) Kołaczkowska, Ewa Regulska, Edyta Zawiska, Izabela
Komornicki, Tomasz Wiśniewski, Rafał (1977– ) Baranowski, Jarosław (1970– ) Błażejczyk, Krzysztof Degórski, Marek Goliszek, Sławomir Rosik, Piotr Solon, Jerzy Stępniak, Marcin Zawiska, Izabela
Degórski, Marek
Degórski, Marek
Degórski, Marek