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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
The article presents a comparative analysis of the development of two Greek Catholic Marian apparition sites which have recently emerged in two locations at the Ukrainian-Slovak border, on a territory that until the end of the Second World War belonged to a single administrative unit of the Greek Catholic Church. The analysis focuses on the manner in which the apparitions were treated by the institutional church in both countries, linking the Church's responses with particular constellations of the church/state relations in Slovakia and Ukraine. Contemporary arrangements of those relations in both countries generate the specific character of interactions between the institutional church, local priests and parishioners. In the case of Slovakia (1) independence of church authorities from the opinion of believers is greater, and subsequently (2) among the believers there emerges a lack of interest in church-related matters or possibility to influence them. In the Ukraine, in turn, the contemporary church/state relations engender (1) a dependency of the institutional church on the believers and their financial contributions, and (2) a feeling of influence and responsibility for the church matters among the believers
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Lesiakowski, Krzysztof (1965– )
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