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Title: Studies on the Early Middle Ages in Poland conducted by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with German researchers


Dulinicz, Marek (1957–2010)

Date issued/created:


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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 43 (2005)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



ill. ; 24 cm

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The paper presents some of the examples of recent fruitful cooperation between the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and German archaeologists interested in Medieval period. Among the joint research projects are such as: Archaeological research of early Slavic settlement in the area of the Middle Vistula River (6th–7th century). Studies on the Slavs’ ethnogenesis and migration – implemented in 2000–2001 and concentrated on the excavations of the settlement at Bocheń near Łowicz (the 8th/9th – mid-9th century); dendrochronological studies of Mazovian fortified settlements – carried on in 1994–1995; studies on the functions and chronology of fortified settlements in Poland conducted in 2000–2001 by German archaeologist Felix Biermann on example of stronghold at Sypniewo in Mazovia; joint excavation of Early Medieval setlement at Starosiedle in the Lubusz Land; as well as the joint programme Archaeological excavations of the Białoboki (Belbuk) monastery and the Trzebiatów (Treptow) Region on the Rega River – aimed at studies on the remains of a Medieval Premonstratensian monastery complex, established in 1180, and its settlement and economic background


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Biermann, F. 2001. Zwischen Polen, Rus und Balten: die frühmittelalterliche Burg von Sypniewo in Masowien. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 31: 617–35
Biermann, F. 2002. Das 10. Jahrhundert in Masowien und Podlasien (Nordostpolen). Eine wirtschaftliche Betrachtung. In Europa im 10. Jahrhundert. Archäologie der Aufbruchzeit, J. Henning (ed.), Mainz am Rhein 249–65
Biermann, F. and M. Dulinicz 2001. Studnia z Bochenia a problem chronologii starszych faz wczesnego średniowiecza na Mazowszu zachodnim. Archeologia Polski 46: 85–114
Biermann, F. and M. Dulinicz 2002. Eine frühmittelalterliche Siedlung von Bocheń in mittleren Polen. Germania 80, 2: 243–67
Błoński, M., P. Milo and K. Misiewicz 2003. Geophysical survey of the Medieval stronghold at Nasielsk, Central Poland. Archaeologia Polona 41: 129–31
Dulinicz, M. 1997. The first dendrochronological dating of the strongholds in Northern Mazovia. In Origins of Central Europe, P. Urbańczyk (ed.), 137–41. Warsaw
Dulinicz, M. 1998. Frühmittelalterliche Burgen in Masowien: die ersten Ergebnisse der deutsch-polnischen Untersuchung. In Frühmittelalterlicher Burgenbau in Mittel- und Osteuropa, J. Henning and A. Ruttkay (eds), 267–74. Bonn
Dulinicz, M. 2000. Badania grodzisk mazowieckich. In Osadnictwo i architektura ziem polskich w w dobie Zjazdu Gnieźnieńskiego, A. Buko and Z. Świechowski (eds), 145–58. Warszawa
Dulinicz M., P. Milo, K. Misiewicz and M. Rekowski 2003. Magnetic prospection at the site of Bocheń, Central Poland. Archaeologia Polona 41: 152–6
Górska, I. 1968. Wczesnośredniowieczny zespół osadniczy w Sypniewie, pow. Maków Mazowiecki. In Szkice z najdawniejszej przeszłości Mazowsza, W. Szymański (ed.), 171–83. Warszawa
Herbich, T., R. Křivánek, K. Misiewicz and J. Oexle 2003. Magnetic surveys of the site Burg Gana (Hof/ Stauchitz). Archaeologia Polona 41: 197–200
Kobylińska, U. 2004. Wczesnośredniowieczne naczynia gliniane typu Menkendorf–Szczecin ze Starosiedla na Ziemi Lubuskiej. In Hereditatem cognoscere. Studia i szkice dedykowane Profesor Marii Miśkiewicz, Z. Kobyliński (ed.), 111–23. Warszawa
Muzolf, B. 2004. Sprawozdanie z badań ratowniczych wielokulturowego stanowiska w miejscowości Rogaszyn, stan. 2–4, gm. Piątek, woj. łódzkie. In Raport 2001–2002. Wstępne wyniki konserwatorskich badań archeologicznych w strefie budowy autostrad w Polsce za lata 2001–2002, Z. Bukowski (ed.), 80–94. Warszawa
Świątkiewicz, P. 2002. Wyniki badań wykopaliskowych na terenie osady w Strugienicach, w latach 1994– 1997. Materiały Muzeum Miasta Zgierza, 3–4: 185–200


Archaeologia Polona



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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences



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