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Tytuł: Leon Kozłowski (1892–1944): an archaeologist who lived in interesting times


Lech, Jacek (1946– ) ; Piotrowska, Danuta

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Inny tytuł:

Archaeologia Polona Vol. 47 (2009-2011)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

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ill. ; 24 cm

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Leon Kozłowski (1892–1944) was a prominent Polish archaeologist and politician of the interwar period and professor of prehistory at the University of Lvov (Polish Lwów, German Lemberg, Lviv in present-day independent Ukraine). He was the author of many important works and of the first definitions of archaeological culture in European literature. In the 1920s, he was a friend of V. G. Childe and in the 1930s he worked with H. Breuil. Once an important person among European archaeologists, today he is wrongfully forgotten


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