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Poprzez nomadyzm
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This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Poprzez nomadyzm


Braidotti, Rossi ; Derra, Aleksandra

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Teksty Drugie Nr 6 (2007)



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21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.

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1. R. Arche, A Star Is Torn, Viagro, London 1986.
2. M. Boscaglia, Unaccompanied Ladies: Feminist, Italian, and in the Academy, "Differences" 2 nr 3 (1991), s. 122-135.
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4. R. Braidotti, Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory, Columbia University Press, New York 1994.
5. J. Butler, Gender Trouble, Routledge, London-New York 1991.
6. R. Capiello, Oh, Lucky Country!, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucie 1984.
7. H. Cixous, C. Clément, La jeune née, U.G.E., Paris 1975.
8. G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, Mille pleteaux: Capialisme et schizophrénie, Minuit, Paryż 1980.
9. G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, Nomadology: The War Machine, Semiotexte, New York 1986.
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11. K. Hacker, In Memorial to Identity, Panteon Books, New York 1990.
12. D. Haraway, Ecce Homo, Ain't (Ar'n't) I a Woman and Inappropriate/d Others: The Human in a Post-Humanist Landscape, w: Feminists Theorize the Political, red. J. Butler, J. Scott, Routledge, London-New York 1992, s. 86.
13. C.G. Heilbrun, "Presidential Address", Hamlet's Mother and Other Women, Ballantine, New York 1990, s. 250.
14. B. Hooks, „Postmodern blackness”, w: Yearning, Beetwen the Lines, Toronto 1990.
15. D. Horne, The Lucky Country, Penguin, London 1966.
16. J. Howell, Laurie Anderson, Thunder's Mouth Press, New York 1992, s. 17.
17. L. Irigaray, Ce sexe qui n’en est pas un, Minuit, Paris 1977.
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22. S. Kofman, Abberations, Flammarion, Paris 1982.
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25. J.-F. Lyotard, La conditio postmoderne, Minut, Paris 1977.
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27. D. Maraini, Donna in guerra, Einaudi, Torino 1975.
28. N.K. Miller, Subject to Change, w: Feminist studies / Critical studies, red. T. de Lauretis, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1986.
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30. T. Modleski, Feminism Without Women: Culture and Criticism in a „Postfeminist” Age, Routledge, New York-London 1991.
31. Ch. Mohanty, Under Western Eye: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse, "Boundary" 2, nr 3 (1984), s. 333-358.
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33. P.P. Pasolini, Scritti corsari, Garzanti, Turyn 1975.
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35. A. Rich, Blond, Bread and Poetry, The Woman's Press, London 1984.
36. N. Sarraute, Enfance, Gaillmard, Paris 1983.
37. Scattered Hegemonies: Post modernity and Transnational Feminist Practices, red. C. Kaplan, I. Grewal, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis-Londyn 1994.
38. N. Schor, Dreaming Dissymmetry: Foucault, Barthes and Feminism, w: Men in Feminism, red. A. Jardine, P. Smith, Methuen, New York 1987.
39. D. Spender, Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them, The Women's Press, London 1982.
40. G.C. Spivak, In Other Worlds, Routledge, New York 1989.
41. G.C. Spivak, Reading the Stanic verses, "Third Text", Summer 1990, s. 41-60.
42. G.C. Spivak, Translator's prefeace, w: J. Derrida, Of gramatology, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1976, s. IX-XXXVII.
43. I. Stengert, D'une science à l'autre; Des concepts nomades, Seuil, Paris 1987.
44. A. Walker, In Search of Our Mother's Garden, The Women's Press, London 1984.
45. M. Wittig, The Straight Mind, Harvester, London 1991.
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47. V. Wolf, Własny pokój. Trzy gwinee, przeł. E. Krasińska, Sic!, Warszawa 2002.
48. P. Yaegger, Honey-Mad Women: Emancipatory Strategies in Women's Writing, Columbia University Press, New York 1988, s. 31.


Teksty Drugie



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