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Krajowy i międzynarodowy rynek turystyczny ; Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki 1644-0501 nr 27 ; Zeszyty Naukowe - Uniwersytet Szczeciński 1640-6818 nr 807
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Self-catering accommodation is one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism market in Europe. The term self-catering accommodation concerns a category that is characterized primarily in that the tourists staying in these facilities provide and prepare meals for themselves. This type of accommodation, discussed in the article, is particu-larly important for rural development. Its significance should be seen in the use of local natural and cultural resources. The existence of this type of accommodation also offers great opportunities for developing additional services, effectively influencing employ-ment and local development. This may contribute to the use of local products, resources, manpower, increase creativity and even protect natural and cultural heritage (especially when it is the basis for attracting tourists). Both the owners of accommodation facilities as well as local and regional authorities seriously consider this type of tourist accom-modation and see it as an opportunity for economic development. Increasingly, self-catering accommodation is treated as a basis for the develop-ment of tourism products by using local values, interests and additional services, partic-ularly involving tourists (e.g. adventure, sport) and cultural values of the area (e.g. cui-sine, traditions). Additional services as well as the whole package of tourism products are created. Service packages obviously concern local attractions and areas of speciali-zation (e.g., hiking, biking, culture and heritage, fishing, golf, bird watching), although some of them are common and can be successfully applied regardless of the location (e.g. cleaning, babysitting, cooking courses).
1. Cawley M., Gillmor D., Integrated Rural Tourism: Concepts and Practice, „Annals of Tourism Research" 2008, vol. 35, no. 2. -
2. Johns N., Lynch P., The Self-Catering Accommodation Market: A Review of Electronic and Other Sources, „International Journal of Hospitality Management" 2007, vol. 26, issue 2.
3. Lynch P., Johns N., Self-Catering Accommodation, „International Journal of Hospitality Management" 2007, vol. 26, issue 2.
4. Nicod P., Mungall A., Henwood J., Self Catering Accommodation in Switzerland, „In-ternational Journal of Hospitality Management" 2007, vol. 26, issue 2.
5. Sharpley R., Rural Tourism and the Challenge of Tourism Diversification: The Case of Cyprus, „Tourism Management" 2002, vol. 23. -
6. Skoczek M., Turystyka wiejska jako czynnik ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego w Hisz-panii i Portugalii, „Prace i Studia Geograficzne" 2003, vol. 32.
Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Oct 2, 2018
Oct 30, 2014
Więckowski, Marek [1971- ]. Autor
Kolosov, Vladimir Więckowski, Marek [1971- ]. Autor