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21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.
1. Asad T., 1986, The Concept of Cultural translation in British Social Anthropology, [w:] Writing Culture.
2. Atkinson P., 1990, Ethnographic Imagination: Textual Constructions of Reality, London: Routledge.
3. Birth K.K., 1990, Reading and Righting of Writing Ethnographies, American Ethnologist", vol. 17, no 3.
4. Clifford J., 1980, Fieldwork, Reciprocity and the Making of Ethnographic Texts: The Example of Maurice Leenhardt, Man" – New Series.
5. Clifford J., 1981, On Ethnographic Surrealism, Comparative Studies on Society and History", vol. 23, no 4.
6. Clifford J., 1983, On Ethnographic Authority, Representations", no 2.
7. Clifford J., 1986a, Partial Truths, [w:] Writing Culture.
8. Clifford J., 1986b, On Ethnographic Allegory, [w:] Writing Culture.
9. Clifford J., 2000, O autorytecie etnograficznym, [w:] tegoż, Kłopoty z kulturą, przeł. E. Dżurak, Warszawa: KR.
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11. Fabian J., 1990, Presence and Representation: The Other and Anthropological Writing, Critical Inquiry", vol. 16, no 4.
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14. Kuligowski W., 2001, Antropologia refleksyjna. O rzeczywistości tekstu, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.
15. Marcus G.E., 1986, Ethnographic Writing and Anthropological Careers, [w:] Writing Culture.
16. Marcus G.E., Clifford J., 1985, The Making of Ethnographic Texts: A Preliminary Report, Current Anthropology", vol. 26, nr 2.
17. Marcus G.E., Fischer M.J., 1986, Anthropology as Cultural Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
18. Marcus G.E., 1980, Rhetoric and the Ethnographic Genre in Anthropological Research, Current Anthropology", vol. 21, nr 4, s. 507-510.
19. Marcus G.E., Cushman D., 1982, Ethnographies as Texts, Annual Review of Anthropology", vol. 11.
20. Pratt M.-L., 1986, Fieldwork in Common Places, [w:] Writing Culture.
21. Rosaldo R., 1986, From the Door of His Tent: The Fieldworker and the Inquisitor, [w:] Writing Culture.
22. Spencer J., 1989, Anthropology as a Kind of Writing, Man" – New Series, vol. 24, no 1.
23. Sperber D., 1985, On Anthropological Knowledge, Cambridge: University Press.
24. Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, J. Clifford, G. Marcus (eds.), Berkeley–Los Angeles–London: University of California Press 1986. ; 0867-0633
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Orłowska, Justyna
Kermott, L. H. Timm, R. M.
Doboszyńska, T.
Gienc, J. Doboszyńska, T.
Cotterill, F. P. D. Fergusson, R. A.
Łomnicki, A.
Warchałowski, Andrzej
Białas, I. Chętnicki, W. Kupryjanowicz, J.