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Schraembl, Franz Anton (1751–1803) : Oprac. ; Benedicti, Hieronymus (1756–1809) : Ryt.
Scale [ca 1:1 300 000] ; 1 map on 4 sheets : copperplate engraving, hand col. ; each sheet 43x50 cm, in entirety 85x99 cm ; Prime meridian Ferro ; Cited in: Centralny Katalog Zbiorów Kartograficznych W Posce, Z. 6, poz. 66 ; Cited in: Imago Poloniae, T. 2, s. 121, poz. K54
File size 7,5 MB ; image/x.djvu
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, sign. Ds.8042 [IX.2-o] ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Aug 22, 2011
Edition name | Date |
Generalkarte von Polen, Litauen, und den angraenzenden Laendern. Nach Zannoni, Folin, Uz, Pfau etc. | Oct 2, 2020 |
Güldenstädt, Johann Anton (1745–1781) Schraembl, Franz Anton (1751–1803) Wussin Joseph. Rys.
Homann, Johann Baptist (1664–1724)
Homann, Johann Baptist (1664–1724)
Kanter, Jan Jakub (1738–1786) Chodowiecki, Daniel Mikołaj (1726–1801) Schleuen, Johann David (c. 1720 – 1774)
Pfau, Theodor Philipp (1725–1794) Glassbach, Christian Benjamin (1724–1779)
Delisle, Guillaume (1675–1726) Buache, Philippe (1700–1773)
Sotzmann, Daniel Fridrich (1754–1840) Penningh, Harry John Glassbach, Carl Christian (1751-post 1791) Schmidt, Friedrich August Sander, Wilhelm (c. 1766 – 1836)