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Hondius, Willem (c. 1597 – c. 1658) : Ryt.
Incisa Opera Et Studio Wilhelmi Hondy S. R. M[aiesta]tis Poloniæ et Sueciæ Chalcographi Privilegiati
Scale [approx 1:453 000] ; 1 map on 8 sheets : copperplate engraving ; each sheet 42x54 cm + 4 sheets with title text ; each sheet 54x10 cm ; Orientation S ; Error date of edition in the title: Anno MCDL. On tail margin of map: Guilhelmum Le Vasseur De Beauplan S. R. M[aiesta]tis Architectus Militaris et Capitaneus mensuravit et delineavit ; Wilhelmus Hondius S.R.M. M[aiesta]tis Chalcographus sculpsit Cum privilegio S.R.Maj[esta]tis in triginta Annos. Gedani An[n]o MDCL ; Prime meridian Capo Verde - information from cataloger ; According to M. Dzikowski the map was 4th version of Delineatio Specialis Et Accurata Ukrainæ [...], with map of Dnieper River and information about Battle of Berestechko (1651): Circa Berestezium, ubi haec nota reperitur Iohannes Casimirus Rex Pol[oniae] cecidit et in fugam vertit 300 000 Tataros et rebelles Cosacos. An[n]o 1651 die 30 Junnij ; Title, legend of the map and geographical names in Latin, part of names in map also in Polish ; Cited in: Estr. online ; Centralny katalog zbiorów kartograficznych w Polsce, Z. 5, Cz. 1, poz. 4 ; Kartografia polska XV-XVII wieku / B. Olszewicz, poz. 74 ; Mapa Ukrainy Beauplana / R. Jacyk. ; Zbiór kartograficzny Uniwersyteckiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Wilnie / Mikołaj Dzikowski, s. 24-29
File size 18,1 MB ; application/pdf
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. D.2617 ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Jul 27, 2021
Aug 2, 2013
Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de (c. 1600 – 1675)
Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de (c. 1600 – 1675) Danckerts, Dancker (1634?-1666)
Cieszyńska, Beata Żukowska, Maria Helena Giebułtowski, Jerzy
Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de (c. 1600 – 1675) Bantyš-Kamenskij, Dmitrij Nikolaevič (1788–1850)
Janssonius, Johannes (1588–1664) Pitt, Moses (1641–1697) Janssonius Van Waesberge Officina