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1. Baltic Development Forum, 2007, State of the Region report 2006. The Baltic Sea Region – Top ofEurope in Global Competition, Copenhagen/Helsinki.
2. Baltic Development Forum, 2008, State of the Region report 2007. The Baltic Sea Region as a Placeto Do Business, Copenhagen/Helsinki.
3. Dijkstra L., Poelman H., 2011, Regional typologies: a compilation, Regional Focus n° 01/2011,Brussels: European Commission, DG Regio.
4. ESPON, 2011, SGPTDE - Secondary Growth Poles in Territorial Development in Europe, AppliedResearch 2013/1/11, Interim Report Version 28/02/2011.
5. European Commission, 2008, Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. Turning territorial diversity intostrength, Brussels, 6.10.2008, COM(2008) 616 final.
6. European Commission, 2010, Investing in Europe’s Future. 5th Report on Economic, Social andTerritorial Cohesion, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
7. Groth N. (ed.), 2008, East West Window. Working Group 1: Regional Integration: Russia in the BalticSea Region. Copenhagen.
8. Hanell T., 2009, Economic Development of the BSR – Stubborn patterns despite rapid change,Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Raumplanung und Entwicklung in der Ostseeregion, heft8/9.2009, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung.
9. Hanell T., Neubauer J., 2005, Cities of the Baltic Sea Region – Development Trends at the Turn of theMillennium, Stockholm, Nordregio Report.
10. Hanell T., Neubauer J., 2006, Geographies of Knowledge Production in Europe, Nordregio WP2006:3, Stockholm: Nordregio.
11. Schmitt P. et al., 2008, Exploring the Baltic Sea Region – On territorial capital and spatial integration,Stockholm: Nordregio Report.
12. Eurostat:
13. OECD:
14. United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics:
15. World Bank:
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Oct 2, 2020
Jul 15, 2013
Szumilin, Krystyna Krause, Sonja
Fedorov, Gennady M Mikhaylov, Andrey S
Masik, Grzegorz
Czyż, Teresa
Marszał, Tadeusz
Lipińska, Aleksandra