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1. Arrest and revival. The capture of Ratko Mladic may revive European enlargement. “The Economist”,June 4th, 2011, p. 42
2. Davies N., 2007, Europa. Między Wschodem a Zachodem, Znak, Kraków (Original: Europe Eastand West).
3. Eine schmerzhafte Wunde 70 JahreHitler-Stalin-Pakt. „Suedeutsche Zeitung“,, 23.08.2009
4. Godement F., 2011, Rescuing the euro: what is China’s price? European Council on Foreign
5. Huntington S., 2006, Zderzenie cywilizacji, Wydawnictwo MUZA, Warszawa 2006, (original: TheClash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order)
6. Judah B., Kobzova J., Popescu N., 2011, Dealing with a Post-BRIC Russia European Council onForeign Relations: POST-BRIC_RUSSIA.pdf
7. Komorowski B., 2011, W silniejszej Europie z całą Polską [In Stronger Europe with the whole Poland],“Gazeta Wyborcza”, December 5, 2011-12-05
8. Kundami H., 2001, “The European ‘clash of civilizations’”, ECFR Blog, 22 August 2011 available at
9. Leonard Mark, 2011, For Scenarios for Reinvention of Europe, European Council on Foreign
10. Po raz pierwszy mamy manko w unijnym budżecie [For the first time we have deficit in the unionbudget, in Polish], “Gazeta Wyborcza” November 30, 2011
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Oct 2, 2020
Jul 15, 2013
Edition name | Date |
Szul R. - Cohesion in the European Union: Economic, Political, Cultural Challenges | Oct 2, 2020 |
Szul, Roman
Cotella, Giancarlo
Lepesant, Gilles
Costa, Eduarda Marques da Palma, Pedro Rauhut, Daniel Humer, Alois Constantin, Daniela Velasco Echeverria, Xabier
Magone, José M.
Jakubowski, Andrzej