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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Importance of Non-Agricultural Income for Farms in Canada and the US


Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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The article has two main objectives, first to describe the overall income situation, as well as the share of off-farm income in total incomes of farms in Canada and the United States (according to the orientation of production and “socio-economic” type), second, to review and assess the current selected tools affecting off-farm income generation. The share of non – farm income varies, depending on the orientation of the production and socio – economic household type. Especially in case of the US wherein the decrease in the share of non – farm income in total incomes was highly visible. Within the framework of agriculture policies and rural areas development, the instruments influencing the off-farm incomes directly and indirectly might be extracted. However, it should be highlighted that more important role will be assigned to instruments stimulating growth in non – farm employment on rural areas.


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