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Title: Stabilisation of Agricultural Incomes: International, European Union and Polish Perspectives


Soliwoda, Michał ; Kulawik, Jacek ; Góral, Justyna

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Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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The issue of variability in agricultural income of a single farm household, resulting essentially from stochastic factors, is gaining increasingly in economic, social and political. importance. The article has two basic purposes, first, to examine mechanisms of agricultural income stabilisation, secondly, to review and evaluate the selected farm income stabilization systems from an international, European Union (EU) and Polish perspectives. This paper is a cross-sectional study with some elements of meta-analysis. It is also based on a comparative approach. Assuming the stability of prices and quantities, agricultural income may increase due to higher revenues and lower average total cost. The world’s most refined solutions to stabilise farm incomes are developed in Canada (ie. AgriStability). There is substitutability and complementarity between some state intervention tools, market or quasi-market products. Excessive support provided by state to intervention instruments inhibits the development of tools offered by the market, which leads to a crowding out effect. In the case of Poland, an obligatory farm accountancy system might greatly facilitate the introduction of income stabilisation instruments.


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