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Metody i środki oddziaływania imperiów : ideologia i praktyka polityczna państwa rosyjskiego/sowieckiego/rosyjskiego w latach 1689-2022 ; Means and ways of empires : ideologies and political practices of the Russian/Soviet/Russian states between 1689 and 2022 ; Polityka rosyjska na dawnych terenach Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów – aspekt porównawczy ; Russian Policy in the Former Territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: A Comparative Aspect
Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla
Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk
p. 157-168 ; Funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland ; Abstracts in Polish and English.
Considering the issue of prestige-building in the analysis of Catherine IIʼs imperial policy towards the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 1760s and 1770s allows for a better understanding and description of this policy. An example of the influence of prestige politics on political action is the issue of political and religious equality of dissenters in Poland-Lithuania, pushed by Russia. Between 1764 and 1768, Russiaʼs involvement in this issue was motivated by a combination of political factors (the intention to build a pro-Russian party in the Commonwealth composed of dissenters) and the prestige ones (the desire to create an image of Catherine II as a defender of dissenters). After the collapse of the system of Russian domination (1768–1772), prestige considerations remained the only factor that pushed Russia to uphold the equality enforced on the Commonwealth in 1768. Catherine IIʼs firmness hardened Russiaʼs policy by jeopardising an agreement with the Polish side, which consequently contributed to the decision on partition.
Historia Rosyjskiego Imperializmu ; 978-83-66911-81-9
IH PAN, call no. II.16454 ; IH PAN, call no. II.16453 Podr. ; click here to follow the link
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Copyright-protected material. [CC BY-ND 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license, full text available at: ; -
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of History PAS
Ministry of Education and Science
Nov 1, 2024
Nov 1, 2024
Zielińska, Ewa (1970– )
Kosińska, Urszula
Kosińska, Urszula
Matsuk, Andrei (1978– )
Dukwicz, Dorota