Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane
Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane
Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane
Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane
Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane
Jäger, Bettina Szimonetta : Autor ; Buzási, Attila : Autor
Geographia Polonica Vol. 96 No. 2 (2023)
Hungary’s capital, Budapest is divided into 23 districts, which have significantly distinct topography: thus, having different level of vulnerability to certain climatic effects; in addition, their climate adaptation potential also varies. This study aimed to analyze the 23 districts of Budapest, Hungary, in terms of their climate adaptation consciousness from governmental perspective. The study compares the 23 districts through a scoring matrix with three main categories – attitude, planning, and implementation – and several criteria. In addition, interviews were organized with municipal employees with 43 questions following the structure of the scorin matrix, learning more about the districts’ commitment to climate adaptation.
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12 lip 2023
12 lip 2023
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Jäger B. S., Buzási A. : Adaptation to climate change at district level in the case of Budapest, Hungary | 12 lip 2023 |
Wolski, Janusz
Jäger, Bettina Szimonetta Buzási, Attila
Degórska, Bożena Degórski, Marek
Király, Gábor Czirfusz, Márton Koós, Bálin Tagai, Gergely Uzzoli, Annamaria
Janowski, Maciej (1963– )
Sylburska, Aleksandra
Rosja. Armiâ. Glavnyj štab. Voenno-topografičeskij otdel. Instytucja sprawcza