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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article analyzes several dozen anthroponymic nicknames of politicians, which arose as a result of contamination and are motivated by the name of a politician and a common noun. I consider them not as isolated units, but formations within messages which include multimodal texts. The present analysis has been conducted within the framework of discourse onomastics and draws on the methodological tools of cultural linguistics. The examined structures are not so much a reflection of the extra-linguistic reality as an interpretation of the political, economic and social situation in Poland. The aim of the article is to answer the question: What image of Polish politicians is created in anthroponymic nicknames obtained by contamination. The conducted analyses prove that these onyms are the carrier of judgments concerning, for example, the intellect (Donald Półmusk, Paligłup), or the character and disposition (Bucek, Cykorski, Fałszydło) of politicians. Their behavior is sometimes compared to that of animals (Bydłoszewski, Szyszkodnik). Most of the surveyed individuals express emotions related to e.g. the artifacts attributed to politicians (Ryszard Swetru, Vateusz Morawiecki) or the event they became famous for (Andrzej Cuda). Some of the studied names are motivated by more than one anthroponym, e.g. the onym Vateusz Maowiecki was formed as a result of contamination of such units as: Mateusz Morawiecki, Mao Zedong and VAT. The interpretation of this type of units is possible only thanks to the knowledge of the extra-linguistic context and taking into account semiotic codes other than the verbal code.
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Feb 10, 2022
Feb 10, 2022
Dawidziak-Kładoczna, Małgorzata
Batko-Tokarz, Barbara
Jelonek, Tomasz
Kaczyński Łukasz
Brajerska-Mazur, Agata