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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article is devoted to the analysis of phonetic processes in the area of vocalism in the names of the Christian population of Podlasie. The analysis showed that the absorption and functioning of Christian names in the colloquial language and dialects of Podlasie in the 16th–17th centuries in the area of vocalism were determined by the conditions for the development of Slavic phonology and phonology characteristic of the languages and dialects of the region. In the inlaut of the names, heterosyllabic vowels and diphthongs were adapted. In the analyzed period, the transformations of vowels were influenced by changes in consonantism, the quality of vowels in adjacent syllables and paroxytonic accent in Polish as well as dynamic and variable accent in Belarusian.
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Feb 10, 2022
Feb 10, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Procesy fonetyczne w śródgłosie imion chrześcijańskich Podlasian w XVI i XVII w. Wokalizm / Abramowicz, Zofia | Feb 10, 2022 |
Matuszkina, Olga Mikiel, Władysław
Matuszkina, Olga
Popowska-Taborska, Hanna (1930– )