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Konsylia Historyczno-Medyczne : Materiały
Czwojdrak, Bożena : Editor ; Piber-Zbieranowska, Marta (1974– ) : Editor
Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk
18 pages : illustrations (some color) ; Summary in English
The cause of King Stephen Bathory’s death was the subject of many scholarly analyses, both after his death and in later centuries. Hypotheses concerning the cause of the king’s death can be divided into two groups: one is the hypothesis of violent death, and the second is the death due to illness. The literature is definitely dominated by the former. After the king’s death, an autopsy was carried out. This event, from which a written account has been preserved, is considered the symbolic beginning of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine in Poland. Among the possible causes of his morbid death, the following were considered: the death due to renal failure (uremia) resulting from the polycystic kidney disease, cardiovascular death in the course of advanced, unstable coronary disease (angina pectoris), and death in the course of a neurological disease (sudden death of a person who has epilepsy, stroke). On the other hand, possible causes of sudden death included poisoning and fat embolism after trauma. This study aimed to determine the cause of Stephen Bathory’s death (1533–1586) from a medical perspective based on available written sources. Having analysed the sources mentioned above, and based on the current medical knowledge, it is possible that the most probable cause of death was complex, i.e. caused by both coexisting chronic lesions (with kidney pathology playing a predominant role) and the consequences of a trauma suffered in the last period of his life.
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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Sep 12, 2022
Feb 1, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Skowronek, Rafał ; Pałasz, Artur, Tajemnica śmierci Stefana Batorego : aspekty medyczne | Sep 12, 2022 |
Pawłowska-Kubik, Agnieszka
Kadzik, Dominik Pawłowska-Kubik, Agnieszka
Januszek-Sieradzka, Agnieszka (1978– )
Czwojdrak, Bożena Piber-Zbieranowska, Marta (1974– )
Szpak, Ewelina (1980– )
Siek, Bartłomiej Szarszewski, Adam (1962– )