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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. I. Bogost Alien Phenomenology; or, What It's Like to Be a Thing, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2012.
2. S. Connor Spelling Things Out, "New Literary History" 2014 nr 2, s. 183-197.
3. R. Felski Uses of Literature, Blackwell, Oxford 2008.
4. R. Felski Context Stinks!, "New Literary History" 2011 nr 4, s. 573-591.
5. R. Felski Digging Down and Standing Back, "English Language Notes" 2013 nr 2, s. 7-24.
6. G. Harman The Importance of Bruno Latour for Philosophy, "Cultural Studies Review" 2007 nr 1, s. 34.
7. F. Kelleter Serial Agencies: The Wire and Its Readers, Zero, Winchester 2013.
8. B. Latour Factures/ Fractures: From the Concept of Network to the Concept of Attachment, "Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics" 1999 nr 36, s. 20-31.
9. B. Latour Coming Out as a Philosopher, "Social Studies of Science" 2010 nr 4, s. 599-608.
10. B. Latour Splatając na nowo to, co społeczne. Wprowadzenie do teorii aktora-sieci, przeł. K. Abriszewski, A. Derra, Universitas, Kraków 2010.
11. B. Latour An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2014.
12. H. Love Close but Not Deep: Literary Ethics and the Descriptive Turn, "New Literary History" 2010 nr 2, s. 371-392.
13. S. Muecke Motorcycles, Snails, Retour: Criticism without Judgement, "Cultural Studies Review" 2012 nr 1, s. 40-58.
14. E. Outka Dead Men, Walking: Actors, Networks, and Actualized Metaphors in Mrs. Dalloway and Raymond, "Novel" 2013 nr 2, s. 253-274.
15. B. Piekut Actor-Networks in Music History: Clarifications and Critiques, "Twentieth-Century Music" 2014 nr 11, s. 1-25.
16. W. B. Warner Reality and the Novel: Latour and the Uses of Fiction, "The Eighteenth Century" 2016 nr 2, s. 267-279. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2021.2.12
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Dec 20, 2022
Oct 6, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Felski R. - Latour i literaturoznawstwo | Dec 20, 2022 |
Gulik, Michał Nowak, Samuel
Mugaj, Jakub