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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article presents the Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts (informally called KorBa)in terms of its usefulness for neo-Latinist research. The corpus contains approximately 0.5 million tokensannotated as Latin words, which makes them easy to find by means of the corpus search engine. The articledescribes examples of research that can be carried out on the material collected in the corpus, both on individualLatin phrases and on the mutual relations between the Polish language and Latin in Middle Polishtexts. Some data taken from the frequency list of Latin word forms in the corpus were also presented.
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10.17651/POLON.40.8 ;
Copyright-protected material. May be used within the limits of statutory user freedoms
Feb 19, 2021
Feb 19, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Łacina w KorBie. Użyteczność Elektronicznego KorpusuTekstów Polskich XVII i XVIII wieku dla filologa neolatynisty | Feb 19, 2021 |
Bronikowska, Renata
Tarnowska Irena
Matuszewski, Jacek S. (1946– )
Erasmus Roterodamus (1467–1536) Berak, Agnieszka Brzezińska, Joanna Ćmielak, Ewa Goc, Beata Kasperkiewicz, Maja Komorowska, Izabela Łapczyńska, Beata Małecka-Jażdżyk, Aneta Niemyjski, Mariusz Paplińska, Beata Pochylska, Magdalena Rogozińska, Agnieszka Równy, Sebastian Staniszewska, Agnieszka
Tateo, Francesco (1931– )