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Title: Comparative analysis of early medieval anthropomorphic wooden figurines from Poland. Representations of gods, the deceased or ritual objects


Szczepanik, Paweł

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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 72 nr 2 (2020)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

Type of object:



Miniature anthropomorphic images, due to their unique character, have attracted the attention of archaeologists for a very long time. This text analyses the forms, significance and functions of items coming from the early Middle Ages, which were discovered in the area of Poland. The set of wooden objects is diverse in terms of form and probably also in terms of meaning. The biggest number of artefacts come from Pomerania, but some of them were found in other places. The Baltic Sea basin will be used as a broad comparative background during this analysis. Information from written sources and from broad anthropological reflection will also be used in an attempt to determine the functions and meanings of these miniature figurines. Thanks to this analysis, it will be possible to show the importance of anthropomorphic figures in the context of early medieval religion and beliefs


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