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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 72 nr 2 (2020)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Four graves were excavated on site 1M at Nădlac. They could be dated to the the second part of the 6th century and the first part of the 7th century AD. Based on the 14C analysis, grave 86 can most probably be dated between 532 and 609 AD. This result indicates that the woman inhumed in the grave, aged 40-55 years, was very probably an immigrant who came from the East. The funerary rituals documented on site 1M in Nădlac can fit within the repertory of the regional environment characteristic of the area east of the Tisa in the the 6th and 7th centuries. Certain aspects of the ritual, however, like the burial of an entire calf in grave 86, draw attention to the danger of generalizations. In addition, we have attempted to perform a brief analysis of various aspects of the development of the different concepts related to the nomadic lifestyle of the analyzed populations
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