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Bieszkiewicz, Ewa ; Mycielski, Roman ; Boszczyk-Maleszak, Hanka ; Wyszkowska, Beata
Biodegradacja frakcji olejowej ścieków petrochemicznych przez bakterie izolowane z zaolejonej gleby
Committee on Biotechnology PAS ; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
The paper deals with the possibility of the degradation of the oily fraction of petrochemicalwastewaters by bacteria isolated from oily soil. It was found that among 19 isolated strains ofsoil bacteria utilizing oils those belonging to the genera Arthrobacter and Pseudomonas weremost numerous. Other strains were classified as Vibno-Aeromonas, Anitratum and FlavobactedwTL Growth of the strains for 12 days in the presence of 1000 mg/1 of oil used as sole carbonand energy source resulted in 80-90% reduction of petroleum products. When a mixture of allstrains was used, the removal of oil was almost complete. Since in a control culture 43% of oilwas removed, the isolated strains degrade at least 50% of the petroleum products. An increasein oil content to 2.5 g or above visibly slowed the biodegradation. It seems that to achieve highremoval of oil by microbiological processes the concentration of petroleum products should notexceed 1-2 g/1.
Biotechnologia, vol.36, 1 (1997)-.
0860-7796 ; ; IChB B-32
Library of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Nov 18, 2020
Nov 6, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Biodegradacja frakcji olejowej ścieków petrochemicznych przez bakterie izolowane z zaolejonej gleby | Nov 18, 2020 |
Borkowska, Bożenna
Ziółkowski, Piotr Babula- Skowrońska, Danuta Kaczmarek, Małgorzata Cieśla, Agata Sadowski, Jan
Przytocka-Jusiak, Magdalena Kowalski, Włodzimierz Rzeczycka, Marzena Błaszczyk, Mieczysław Mycielski, Roman