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Kałaska, Maciej : Autor ; Jędrusik, Maciej : Autor ; Wites, Tomasz : Autor
Geographia Polonica Vol. 93 No. 2 (2020)
This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, which are well recognized in the Maghreb; hence, six cities from this region were selected for the research sample (Algiers and Constantine in Algeria, Marrakesh and Tangier in Morocco, and Sousse and Tunis in Tunisia). The main purpose of this research paper is to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this original method.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 25, 2021
Jun 26, 2020
Małowist, Marian (1909–1988)
Małowist, Marian (1909–1988)
Jędrusik, Maciej.Autor Dudek-Mańkowska, Sylwia Pokojska, Paulina
Maternicki, Jerzy (1935– ) Czekajewska-Jędrusik, Anna (1921–1985) Hass, Ludwik (1918–2008) Serczyk, Jerzy (1927–2006) Strzelczyk, Jerzy (1941– ) Kijas, Artur (1940– ) Korta, Wacław (1919–1999) Gieysztor, Aleksander (1916–1999) Jasiński, Kazimierz (1920–1997) Karłowska-Kamzowa, Alicja (1935–1999) Kürbis, Brygida (1921–2001) Krzyżaniakowa, Jadwiga Głombiowski, Karol (1913–1986) Kosman, Marceli (1940– ) Garlicka, Aleksandra ( –2012) Deresiewicz, Janusz (1910–1992) Ratusiński, Bogusław Łuczycka, Ewa Neuman, Maciej Żywczyński, Mieczysław (1901–1978) Ihnatowicz, Ireneusz (1928–2001) Wojtkowiak, Zbysław Pospieszalski, Karol Marian (1909–2007) Rutkowski, Adam