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Geographia Polonica Vol. 93 No. 2 (2020)
Quality of life is an extraordinarily multidimensional term. It includes both objective and subjective factors. This article reviews the quality of life of an extremely sensitive group – people over the age of 65, based on data from the pan-European SHARE survey (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe). The survey revealed the disparities in the quality of life of seniors regarding material, health, social and emotional dimensions in 16 European countries. According to the European survey of the evaluation of the quality of life of seniors, those living in Western and Northern European countries are more satisfied with the quality of their life. Generally, it has become apparent that quality of life is interlinked with the institutional framework of the country, family support and individual approaches. Countries in Southern and Eastern Europe have lower values in individual dimensions as well as in the aggregate quality of life index.
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