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Title: Rola zwierząt litoralnych w produkcji i przekształcaniu detrytusu


Kołodziejczyk, Andrzej

Data wydania/powstania:


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Inny tytuł:

Zwierzęta litoralne a detrytus ; The role of littoral animal in detritus transformation


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Miejsce wydania:



Pages 233-252 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 247-251) ; Abstract in English

Typ obiektu:



The role of invertebrates macrofauna in formation and transformation of detritus in lake littoral (Figs. 1, 2) is analysed on the basis of literature data. The majority of animals feed on detritus and all organisms excrete it in the form of faeces. Considerable amounts of detritus are excreted, 80%> of consumption, as regards plant food, adding also excretion in the form of mucus and DOM. Faeces are decomposed quickly, or may be a source of food for some invertebrates. Animals also form detritus as a result of damaging considerable amounts of live organic matter when feeding, mining or building cases. Dead animal organisms are not much investigated source of detritus. There are no data on“natural” mortality of organisms, because mortality is usually calculated on the basis of the number of individuals that survived. This does not allow to distinguish the “natural” mortality from that as a result of predators’ pressure, and therefore to divide organic matter entering the detritus food chain from that entering the grazing food chain. Nevertheless €0—100% of live littoral organisms has to be found after death in the detritus pool. The participation of macrofauna in decomposition in aquatic ecosystems is an interesting problem. Although many scientists point to the leading role of microorganisms, there are still data suggesting the possibility of accelerating this process by macrofauna, especially as the majority of animals organisms of this zone feeds on detritus. Mixing of sediments and acceleration of their decomposition by animals, observed in profundal, will probably be also intense in the littoral zone.


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