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Geographia Polonica Vol. 84 Special Issue Part 2 (2011)
1. Carton, A. and Pelfini, M. (1988), Forme del paesaggio d’alta montagna [Development of high-mountain landscape], Scuola di montagna, 5, Zanichelli, Bologna.
2. Carton, A. and Soldati, M. (1993), Geomorphological features of the Dolomites (Italy), in Panizza, M., Soldati, M. and Barani, D. (eds.), First European Intensive Course on Applied Geomorphology – Proceedings, University of Modena, 13–29.
3. Castiglioni, G.B. (1964), Sul morenico stadiale delle Dolomiti [Stadial moraines of the Dolomites], Memorie Instituto di Geologia e Mineralogia, Universita di Padova, 24: 1–16.
4. Corsini, A. and Panizza, M. (2003), Conseguenze geomorfologiche di una faglia neotettonica nell’ Alta Val Badìa (Dolomiti) [Geomorphological effects of neotectonics in the Alta Val Badia valley, the Dolomites], in Biancotti, A. and Motta, M. (eds.), Rispostadei processi geomorfologici alle variazioni ambientali [Response of geomorphological processes for changes of natural environment], MURST-COFIN, Brigati, Genova, 173–176.
5. Panizza, M. (1973), Glacio Pressure implications in the production of landslides in the Dolomitic area, Geologia Applicata e Geotecnica, 8 (1): 289–297.
6. Panizza, M. (1988), Geomorfologia [Geomorphology], in Panizza, M. (ed.), Guide naturalistiche delle Dolomiti venete [Guidebook for the Veneto Dolomites], vol. 1, Dolomiti, S. Vito di Cadore, 43–54.
7. Panizza, M. (1990), Il fascino e le vicende della storia geomorfologica delle Dolomiti [The charm and the history of the geomorphology of the Dolomites], in: Comunità Montana Agordina, Le Dolomiti un patrimonio da tutelare e amministrare [Mountain Community Agordina,The Dolomites a patrimony to safeguard and administer], 19–31.
8. Panizza, M. (2009a), The Geomorphodiversity of the Dolomites (Italy): a key of Geoheritage assessment, Geoheritage, 1: 33–42. -
9. Panizza, M. (2009b), Geomorphodiversity of the Dolomites and some remarks on recent rock falls, in Malet, J.-P., Remaitre, A. and Bogaard, T. (eds.), Landslides processes, from geomorphological mapping to dynamic modelling, CERG Editions, Strasbourg, 356.
10. Panizza, M., Carton, A., Castaldini, D., Mantovani, F. and Spina, R. (1978), Esempi di morfoneotettonica nelle Dolomiti occidentali e nell’Appennino modenese [Examples of the morfo-neotectonicts from the Western Dolomites and the Apennines Modenese], Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 1: 28–54.
11. Panizza, M. and Dibona, D. (1990), Segnalazione di un suolo presso il Col Bechei (Dolomiti di Fanes) e suo possibile significato neotettonico [Soils at the Col Bechei (Dolomites Fanes) and its possible neotectonics significance], Il Quaternario, 3: 31–38.
12. Soldati, M. (2010), Dolomites: the spectacular landscape of the “Pale mountains”, in: Migoń, P. (ed.), Geomorphological landscapes of the world, Springer, Heidelberg, 191–199.
13. Soldati, M., Corsini, A. and Pasuto, A. (2004), Landslides and climate change in the Italian Dolomites since the Lateglacial, Catena, 55 (2): 141–161.
14. Varnes, D.J. (1958), Landslides types and processes, in Eckel, E.B. (ed.), Landslides and engineering practice, Highway Research Board Special Report, 29: 20–47.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Feb 9, 2012
Edition name | Date |
Panizza M. - The Dolomites and their geomorphodiversity | Oct 2, 2020 |
Hillbricht-Ilkowska, Anna
Migoń, Piotr (1966– )
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej
Hillbricht-Ilkowska, Anna
Breymeyer, Alicja Petrusewicz, Kazimierz
Sawicki, Ludwik (1893–1972)
Czubla, Piotr Brykała, Dariusz Dąbski, Maciej Gierszewski, Piotr Błaszkiewicz, Mirosław Mosakowski, Zachariasz Lamparski, Piotr