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Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 3-8 ; 24 cm ; Bibiographical references (page 8) ; Abstract in English
Intense studies over many years on several homothermic species have allowed S. S. Svarc to reach the following thesis: species specialized for extreme conditions (Arctic, montane) are adapted better (energetically, economically) than the co-occurring interspecific forms (subspecies, population) of species having a broad range of occurrence. This thesis is illustrated by four tables where the vast documentation of Svarc and his school is compiled. This concerns the heart index expressed in per milles of weight of this organ. Table I and IV show that the heart index of arctic species and those from high mountains does not differ basically from the heart index of species in the temperate zone. However, the heart index of polar populations or those from high mountains, species of temperate zones but with a broad range of occurrence, is much higher than for populations of temperate zones (Tables II and III). It seems that this thesis is significant, enough to be called Svarc’s principle.
Kalabuchov N. I. 1946 - Sochranenie energeticeskogo balansa organizma kak osnova adaptacii - Z. obsc. Biol. 7.
Svarc S. S. 1959 - O nekotorych putijach prisposoblenija mlekopitajuscich (prejmuscestvenno Micromammalia) k uslovijam suscestvovanija v Subarktike - Trudy Salechardskogo Sta, Tjumen', 1: 177-219.
Svarc S. S. 1963 - Puti prisposoblendja nazemnych pozvonoonych zivotnych k uslovijam suscestvovanija v Subarktike. Mlekopitajusl:ie -Trudy Inst. Biol., Sverdlovsk, 33: 1-300.
Svarc S. S. 1969 - Evoljucionnaja ekologija zivotnych. Ekologiceskie mechanizmy evoljucionnogo processa - Trudy Inst. Ekol. Rast. Żivot. 65: 1-198.
Svarc S. S., Smirnov V. S., Dobrinski j L. N. 1968 - Metod morfofiziologiceskich indikatorov v ekologii nazemnych pozvonocnych - Trudy Inst. Ekol. Rast. Żivot. 58: 368-384. ; ISSN 0013-2969
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Mar 15, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Z. 2. Reguła Švarca / Petrusewicz K. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Golikova, V. L. Red.
Golikova, V. L. Red.