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Boroń, Tomasz ; Winiarska-Kabacińska, Małgorzata ; Sołodko, Anna
Rydno IV/47. Spatial organization of campsites at a flint concentration area of Janisławice culture in the light of functional studies, refittings and planigraphy of archaeological finds ; Archeologia Polski T. 64 (2019)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article studies Mesolithic campsites of Janisławice culture at the Rydno IV/47 site in terms of their spatial organization and functional attributes. Traseological analyses of flint artifacts (scrapers, endscrapers, burins, points, truncated blades, retouched blades and flakes, crested blades and ordinary blades) from three concentrations revealed use-wear traces in the case of 32 specimens. These traces could be attributed to activities such as processing animal carcasses and processing of plants and wood.
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Dec 31, 2019
Boroń, Tomasz Winiarska-Kabacińska, Małgorzata Sołodko, Anna
Winiarska-Kabacińska, Małgorzata
Boroń, Tomasz Winiarska - Kabacińska, Małgorzata
Hughes, Richard E. Werra, Dagmara H.
Boroń, Tomasz
Boroń, Tomasz Winiarska-Kabacińska, Małgorzata