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Technological study of lithic materials from site Wołkusz 3 in north-eastern Poland. Concept of preferential point production ; Archeologia Polski T. 64 (2019)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Author presents the first part of the results of a technological study of Volkushian flint artefacts. The research is based on the interpretative potential of the refitting method, morpho¬logical observations, as well as scar pattern and superposition analysis. A homogeneous group of over two thousand flints from site 3 in Wołkusz has been examined. The choice of this inventory was determined by the fact that it contained distinctive set of tools for this taxonomic unit, that is cores and debitage. The article focuses on discussing one of two technological strategies which was reconstructed in the course of the analysis, defined as the concept of preferential point production
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Dec 31, 2019
Przeździecki, Michał Szymczak, Karol
Mugaj, Jakub
Mugaj, Jakub
Osipowicz, Grzegorz
Kabaciński, Jacek Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Iwona
Turkowska, Krystyna (1942– ) Dzieduszyńska, Danuta
Bobak, Dariusz Łanczont, Maria Nowak, Adam Mroczek, Przemysław Połtowicz-Bobak, Marta Standzikowski, Karol
Bobak, Dariusz Połtowicz-Bobak, Marta