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Biotechnology - a chance for using allelopathy as alternative weed management strategy
Komitet Biotechnologii PAN ; Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN
Plants (crops and weeds) affect each other through allelochemicals, which may be released from living and dead organisms. Due to an increase in the number of herbicide -resistant weeds and herbicides’ negative effect on the environment, there is an effort being made to design alternative weed management strategies. Allelopathic studies offer a challenge for a discovery of new compounds with new target side that may be able to control weeds. Crops producing allelochemicals can interfere with competing weeds suflRciently enough to allow significant reductions in the use of other weed management options, including synthetic herbicides. Some attempts enhancing the allelopathic potential of crops (rice, sorghum, barley and wheat) to control weeds are presented.
Biotechnologia, vol.77, 2 (2007)-.
0860-7796 ;
Biblioteka Instytutu Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN
Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Instytut Chemii Bioorganiczneji Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Instytut Chemii Bioorganiczneji Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Oct 2, 2020
Dec 5, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Biotechnologia szansą dla zastosowania allelopatii jako alternatywnej metody zwalczania chwastów | Oct 2, 2020 |
Borkowska, Bożenna
Ziółkowski, Piotr Babula- Skowrońska, Danuta Kaczmarek, Małgorzata Cieśla, Agata Sadowski, Jan
Nowak, Jacek K.