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Chmielewski, Tadeusz Jan (1950– )
Chmielewski, Szymon
Kułak, Agnieszka (1983– )
Przegląd Geograficzny T. 91 z. 3 (2019)
The human species transforms the landscape to meet its needs, but landscape resources and valuable features at the same time affect wellbeing in the context of human activity. In these mutually conditioned interactions, two processes playing a key role are the so-called landscape perception and landscape projection. This article presents: (1) a review of theories playing a key role in the development of knowledge on landscape perception; (2) the basis for landscape projection as a logical and creative continuation of perception processes; (3) an outline of the theory of physiognomic landscape structure and of possibilities for it to gain practical application; (4) the results of the first Polish research into the public’s expectations where quality of the landscape is concerned. Perception of the landscape entails the receipt of stimuli from surrounding space with the help of the senses. It serves primarily in knowledge-based transformation of landscape systems, in a manner that meets ever-more exacting requirements on the part of society when it comes to living in an environment of the highest quality. Only a little scientific work has been devoted to the process of landscape projection. This is therefore a new research field, just opening up, which has the potential to give rise to a group of space-projection theories.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 25, 2021
Oct 11, 2019
Dąbrowski, Stanisław
Nováková, Gabriela Šebo, Dušan
Chmielewski, Tadeusz Jan (1950– ) Śleszyński, Przemysław Chmielewski, Szymon Kułak, Agnieszka (1983– )
Lugmayer-Klimczyk, Agata Flöry, Sebastian Kucera, Matthias Neubauer, Wolfgang Löcker, Klaus Baldwin, Eamonn Gaffney, Vincent
Chmielewski, Tadeusz Jan (1950– )
Chmielewski, Tadeusz Jan (1950– )
Ancelot, Virginie (1792–1875) Kassyanowicz, Szymon (c. 1803 – 1874) Chmielewski, Maksymilian (1804–1851) Księgarnia S. H. Merzbacha.