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Wykorzystanie produkcji pierwotnej ; Utilization of primary production by plankton consumers depending on the length of the food chain
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 63-70 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 69) ; Abstract in English
The author analyzes the factors which conditioning the degree to which the primaryproduction of a lake pelagial is utilized by plankton consumers.It was found that the degree to which this production is utilized by consumersdepends mainly on (1), what part of net primary production is directly utilized bythe animals and what indirectly, which may be a more complicated matter (Fig. 1.)This is conditioned in the first place by a) accessibility of phytoplankton cells andtheir colonies to zooplankton, and this in turn depends on what part of net primaryproduction is formed by production of smali edible algae, and what by productionof large forms of net phytoplankton inaccessible to zooplankton, and ona2) whether macrofiltrators intensively filter ing smali algae dominate in the zooplanktoncommunities, or microfiltr ators, which morę intensively filter even smallerbacteria cells. This is also conditioned by b) the degree of assimilation of theconsumed algae, c) intensivity of sinking of live algae from the pelagial zone andd) intensivity of excretion of assimilates into the habitat by live cells of algae.The degree to which primary production is utilized by plankton consumers alsodepends on 2) intensivity of metabolism of bacteria, 3) degree of assimilation byanimals of food in the form of bacteria and trypton, 4) intensivi ty of action of factórsstimulating the coagulation processes of dissolved organie matter, 5) ratę oftrypton dead cells of algae and bacteria decomposition, and intensivity of washingout organie compounds from these cells, and of course on .6) intens,ivity ofsedimentation of organie matter, ratę of its decomposition in bottom deposits andintensivity of its return to the pelagial.On the basis of this analysis, and also the somewhat scanty data in literatu rę,a discussion is given of the degree to which primary production is utilized by zooplanktonin lakes of different trophic character. ; ISSN 0424-7205
MiIZ PAN, call no. P.3259 ; click here to follow the link
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Jul 27, 2020
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