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Chrapusta, Stanisław ; Kwiatkowska, Elżbieta ; Paszko, Zygmunt ; Padzik, Halina
The levels and the sedimentation properties of estrogen (ER) and progestin (PR) receptors cytosol using the charcoal-dextram method and ultracentrifugation in saccharose density gradient in a buffer of low ionic strength. In most studied neoplasms these receptors were present mainly in two sedimentation forms, i.e. 8S and (60% and 65%), less frequently only in the 4S form (34% and 22%), and least frequently only in the 8S gorm (6% and 13%).In cancrers with ER present in the forms 8S and 4S the acompanying PR were present more frequently also in two forms. The global values ogf both receptors in this group of neoplasms were usually high (median for ER-63 fmol/mg of cytosol protein, for PR-91fmol/mg). In the group of breast cancers wih ER present only in the 4S form high amounts of PR were usually found. The average levels of both, receptors in such tumours were rather small with respect to the group of cancers with both forms of ER that is 4S and 8S) median for ER-25 fmol/mg of cytosol protein and for PR-21 fmol/mg of cytosol protein). It seems that in breast cancers in which ER was found only in the 4S from coexistance of progestin receptors suggests presistence of the ability of tumour cells to respond to estrogen as reflected in progestin synthesis.
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Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej im. M. Mossakowskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Instytutu Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej im. M. Mossakowskiego PAN
Mar 24, 2022
Jul 31, 2019