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Novaâ topografičeskaâ karta Zapadnoj Rossii 1:84 000. XVIII - 10
Scale 1: 84 000 ; 1 map : color ; 35x37 cm, on sheet 43x45 cm ; On the sheet: Izdanìe Voen.-Top. Otdʹʺla Gen. Štaba ; Prime meridian Pulkovo ; Dating based on a series of maps that was published between 1885 and 1917
Novaâ topografičeskaâ karta Zapadnoj Rossii 1:84 000
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. PTG C.22/82 ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Oct 2, 2020
Dec 17, 2019
Edition name | Date |
XVIII - 10 : lomžinsk. gub. i časti prussìi : kolʹnensk. i ostrolenksk. uězd., [między 1885 i 1917] | Oct 2, 2020 |
Serdûk. Redaktor
Rosja. Armiâ. Glavnyj štab. Litografìâ kartografičeskago zavedenìâ. Wydawca