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This research describes the evolution of the Irish spatial planning system and explores the impact of EU cohesion policies aiming to reduce regional and social disparities within the European Union with respect to recent developments in Ireland. The changing nature of the Irish planning system is seen as movement from a market or local development led approach towards a more strategic regional and national approach. This trend has in part been influenced by EU policies, directives and initiatives with evidence of both difficulties and successful delivery of some major projects. The discussion is complemented by evidence from two case studies in the transportation area and interviews with key participants in the policy processes. In conclusion the implications of such trends for future planning policy in Ireland and the EU are explored.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Oct 13, 2023
Jun 10, 2019
Cotella, Giancarlo
Degórska, Bożena (1956– )
Cotella, Giancarlo
Kovács, András Donát Farkas, Jenő Zsolt Varjú, Viktor Szalai, Ádám Lennert, József Hoyk, Edit Csáki, Béla
Komornicki, Tomasz