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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 90 z. 4 (2018)
The purpose of this paper is to give some insight into the state of the art where cooperation between transport and tourism is concerned, and to outline possible future prospects. In particular, five roles of transport in contemporary tourism and recreation (after Hall, 2008) are described and commented on. These include: (1) linking the source market with the host destination; (2) providing mobility and access within a destination area/region/country; (3) providing mobility and access within an actual tourism attraction; (4) facilitating travel along a recreational route which is itself the tourism experience; and (5) providing limited movement or even being static, while acting as the focus of recreational and heritage interest, as in museums or at rallies (with forms of transport located at a particular place). In the literature, the first two roles prove to be relatively well-researched, while the remaining three are in need of further investigation. All the roles are here illustrated by relevant examples from real-world situations, including in Poland. Further on, the paper offers a broad presentation of modes of transport used in tourism and recreation, including air transport, passenger transport by water (cruise tourism and ferries), and ground-based transport (by rail and road). Each mode of transport referred to presents certain specifics, has various determinants, merits and inconveniences, fulfils different functions and purposes, and is dedicated to differing groups of tourists. For example, following deregulation and liberalisation, air transport has changed radically as low-cost carriers made their appearance, and there was a relative decline in charter traffic, as well as a general lowering of costs and fares among full-service operators. However, there are found to be great differences between the more affluent, well-developed markets and the emerging markets in this respect. The role of cruising, although still relatively meagre in absolute terms, is growing very fast around the world. In contrast, within the ground-based transport context, the role of rail is in steady decline, while road transport, and especially individual motoring, grows steadily. A comparison of the worldwide situation with that in the former communist countries (as exemplified by Poland) points to some differences in tourism transport, mainly in connection with the affluence of societies. Certain features thus point to specific features of the CEECs not always in line with regularities in the wider world overall.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– ) Ciechański, Ariel
Taylor, Zbigniew (1946– )