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Population phenomena as a phytocenose-forming factor (a summing-up discussion) ; Structure and population dynamics of psammophytes
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 259-281 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 277-281) ; Abstract in Polish
The results are discussed of studies dealing with (1) changes in psammophyte vegetation in the oourse of inland dune overgrowing, and (2) population characteristics of selected plant species, and their response to the phytocenotic and biotope conditions in the habitat (Symonides 1979a, 1979b, 1979c). The studies have shown that the formation and succession of communities result from a complex but not chaotic interplay of environmental, population and biocenotic factors. Used for studies of the succession of phytocenoses, the population analysis method makes it possible to get an insight into the nature of the phytocenotic systems, and into the mechanisms determining the structure and dynamics of vegetation.
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Symonides, Ewa
Symonides, Ewa
Symonides, Ewa
Symonides, Ewa
Symonides, Ewa
Raukas, Anton (1935– )
Symonides, Ewa