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The soil-geological conditions
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Pages 487-504 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 504) ; Abstract in Polish
The soils of the pastures discussed were formed from flysch rocks (carbonate sandstones, mudstones and marl shales), red globotruncate marls and from the deluvial weathering of flysch rocks overthrust on marl. Brown, leached, pseudogley and typical brown soils were distinguished on the basis of field investigations and physico-chemical properties. All the soils have a very small amount of available mineral components, mainly phosphorus, which has an influence on the low productivity of the pastures.
1. Birkenmajer K. 1958 - Przewodnik geologiczny po Pienińskim Pasie Skałkowym - Wydawnictwo Geologiczne, Warszawa, 345 pp.
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8. Komornicki T. 1958 – Gleby „cerkla wzorcowego” w Jaworkach k/Szczawnicy - Roczn. Nauk roln. F, 72: 993-1013.
9. Uziak S. 1963 - Geneza i klasyfikacja gleb górskich w Karpatach Fliszowych - Roczn. glebozn. 13: 56-67.
10. Wondrausch J. 1961 - Studia nad fosforem w glebach górzystych - Roczn. glebozn. 10: 642-644.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Jun 19, 2019
Czerwiński, Zbigniew Tatur, Andrzej
Kajak, Anna
Breymeyer, Alicja
Wasilewska, Lucyna
Pętal, Joanna
Andrzejewska, Lucyna