RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Aktywność dobowa komarów i czynniki ją regulujące


Dąbrowska, Eliza

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Activity of mosquitoes over a period of 24 hours and controlling factors


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 221-254 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 250-251) ; Abstract in English

Type of object:



1. Bates, M. 1944 - Observation on the distribution of diurnal mosquitoes in a tropical forest - Ecology 25.
2. Bates, M. 1945 - Observation on climate and seasonal distribution of mosquitoes in Eastern Columbia - J. an. Ecol. 14.
3. Bates, M. 1949 - The natural history of mosquitoes - New York.
4. Beklemiszew, B. 1934 - Sutocznyje migracji biezpozwonocznych w kompleksie na Ziemnych biocenozow - Trudy Pierm. Inst. 6.
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7. Gucewicz, A. B. 1931 - Rozmnożenie i rozwitie żełtolichorodocznogo komara w usłowiach eksperimenta - Paraz. Sborn. 2.
8. Gucewicz, A. B. 1940 - Materiały po izuczeniu krowososuszczich dwukryłych (gnusa) siewierussuryjskoj tajgi - Zooł. Żurn. 23.
9. Haddow, A. J. 1945 - On the mosquitoes of Bwamba County, Uganda, I description of Bwamba with special reference to mosquito ecology - Proc . zool. Soc. London 115.
10. Haddow, A. J. 1946a - The mosquitoes of Bwamba County Uganda, II biting activity with special reference to the microclimate - Bull. ent. Res. 36.
11. Haddow, A. J. 1946b - The mosquitoes of Bwamba County Uganda, III the vertical distribution of mosquitoes in banana plantation an biting cycle of Aedes simpsoni - Bull. ent. Res. 36.
12. Haddow, A. J., Gillet, J., Highton, R. B. 1947- The mosquitoes of Bwamba County Uganda, V vertical distribution and biting-cycle of mosquitoes in rain-forest with further observation of microclimate- Bull. ent. Res. 37.
13. Haddow, A. J. 1942 - The mosquito fauna and climate of native huts at Kisumu Kenya - Bull. ent. Res. 33.
14. Haddow, A. J. 1954 - Studies of the biting-babits of african mosquitoes. An appraisal of method employed, with special reference to the twentyfour-hour catch - Bull. ent. Res. 45.
15. Mattingly , P. F. 1949 - Studies on west african forest mosquitos, part I the seasonal distribution, biting-cycle and vertical distribution of four of the principal species - Bull. ent. Res. 40.
16. Monczadski, A. C., Radziwiłowskaja, H. 1947 – Nowyj mietod koliczestwiennego uczieta aktiwnosti napadlenia krowososow - Paraz. sborn. 9.
17. Monczadski, A. C. 1950 - Napadlenie komarew na cziełowieka w prlrodnych usłowiach subarktiki i faktory jego regulirujuszczije - Paraz. sborn. 12.
18. Monczadski, A. C. 1953 - Nocznaja aktiwność komarew w prirodie i jej epidemiołogiczeskoje osobiennosti - Zooł. Żurn. 33.
19. Nabokow, B. A., Szlenowa, M. F. 1955 - Gnus, biołogia i miery borby s nim - Moskwa.
20. Parker, A. 1952 - The effect of difference in temperature and humidity on certain reaction of female Aedes aegypti - Bull. ent. Res. 43.
21. Tarwid, K. 1952 - Próba charakterystyki zespołu komarów Puszczy Kampinoskiej - Stud. Soc. sc. 3.
22. Thomson, R. C. 1938 - The reaction of mosquitoes to temperature and humidity - Bull. ent. Res. 29.
23. Tomanek, J. T. 1952 - Meteorologia i klimatologia dla leśników - Warszawa.
24. Uvarow, B. 1929 -- Wheather and climate in their relation to insects - London.
25. Williams, C. B. 1946. - Climate and insects life - Nature 157.


Ekologia Polska. Seria A





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MiIZ PAN, call no. P.2840 ; click here to follow the link



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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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