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Stefanowska, Agata ; Lipko-Kowalska, Maria ; Darmas, Anna Magdalena
Przegląd Geograficzny T. 88 z. 4 (2016)
The development of tourism is perceived worldwide as one strategy by which the economy both national and local can be fostered (Sharpley, 2002, McLennan et al., 2014). With a view to development of this kind being boosted, many states have formed a three-tier system by which to manage tourism, and engage in its promotion (at national, regional and local levels). In Poland, a new hierarchical structure of tourism development and promotion organisations was introduced in 2000, by virtue of an Act of Parliament (Ustawa z dnia 25 czerwca...). The main national organisation is the Polish Tourist Organisation (PTO). Regional and Local Tourist Organisations focus on actions to increasing the level of interest in Polish cities, regions and tourism products, among Polish and international tourists. This paper examines the way in which the LTOs in Poland function. The research questions were as follows: How do LTOs shape the overall image of Poland as an attractive tourist destination? To what extent do LTOs’ actions and collaboration with the tourist industry have an impact on the Polish tourism market? and How do actions taken by LTOs shape the regional tourism sector? To answer these research questions, a two-step survey was conducted. First e-mail questionnaires were sent to all 130 LTOs registered in Poland (as of 2013), though only 30 completed questionnaires were sent back. Members of the LTOs generating these responses then went on to participate in the second part of the study, entailing the dispatch of some 500 surveys, with just 88 entities responding and taking part. A key goal of LTOs is engagement with local communities to boost tourist attractiveness in areas covered by given organisations. However, a majority of respondents evaluated this collaboration as moderate, with cooperation only occurring in some cases. In turn, 1/3 of respondents assessed the collaboration of this kind as good and regular. The second goal of the LTOs is to develop tourism in the regions they cover. In most of these both LTOs and members corroborate that a development of tourism is taking place. While 57.6% of respondents indicate that this development is “slight”, 26.2% assert that the growth in tourism is very rapid. Collaboration with other LTOs has an essential impact on the organisations’ functioning. A majority (60%) of LTOs confirm that there is such collaboration with other LTOs, resulting in chances for experience to be gained, information exchanged, reciprocal benefit derived and better integration between members achieved. In conclusion, the operation of Polish tourist organisations at local level would seem to be highly disparate. So what should be done to improve effectiveness? According to LTO members, more tourist information points should be created, effective external funding for tourism development should be secured, regions should be promoted more effectively, tourist products should be created and members should be integrated.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
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