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Geographia Polonica Vol. 88 No. 3 (2015)
Spatially explicit analysis of land ownership changes can provide a unique opportunity to trace land ownership and determine spatial patterns of inheritance. In this paper, the structure of land ownership in the age of feudalism (1852), communism (1965) and capitalism (2008) was reconstructed for a landscape-scale study area – the Upper Wiar River Basin in the Polish Eastern Carpathians. Austrian cadastre and post-war land registers were used as source data. Trajectories of land ownership changes were mapped and discussed. The similarity of landowner types was determined by means of correspondence analysis. The results generally showed how highly unstable land ownership is when socio-political systems are in flux.
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13. Wolski J., 2000. Austriacki kataster podatku gruntowego na ziemiach polskich oraz jego wykorzystanie w pracach urządzeniowych i badaniach naukowych. Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 199-212.
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File size 4,1 MB ; application/pdf ; 0016-7282 ; 10.7163/GPol.0032
CBGiOS. IGiPZ PAN, call nos.: Cz.2085, Cz.2173, Cz.2406 ; click here to follow the link
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Mar 25, 2021
Oct 29, 2015
Stankiewicz, Zbigniew (1930–1990)
Dygo, Marian (1951– )
Małowist, Marian (1909–1988)
Jasiecki, Krzysztof (1960– )