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Archeologia Polski T. 59 Z. 1-2 (2014)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Graves at the Mesolithic cemetery at Dudka (northeastern Poland) scarcely yielded tools and ornaments, but a considerable set of finds of symbolic significance. The mineral group includes ochre lumps of different colors, belemnites and other fossils, as well as stones of curious color or shape. A second category are animal remains, mostly from the inedible parts of the body, such as: antler, hoof, teeth and jaws of different mammal species, wing or feet bones of birds, turtle carapaces. The presumed meaning of each of these grave goods is discussed in the article. Their distribution permits certain zones to be distinguished at the cemetery, possibly reflecting family–clan or territorial divisions
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Gumiński W. [2011]2012. Nowe wyjątkowe siedlisko osadnicze paraneolitycznej kultury Zedmar na wschodnim cyplu wyspy Szczepanki (sektor „A”) na Mazurach, „Światowit”, t. 9 (50), z. B, s. 87–144
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Jul 15, 2015
Gumiński, Witold
Gumiński, Witold
Nalepka, Dorota (1955– )
Gumiński, Witold
Fiedorczuk, Jan (1959–2003)
Gautier, Achilles
Bugajska, Karolina