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1. A. Becq, Genese de l'esthétique française moderne. De la Raison classique a l'Imagination créatrice 1680-1814, Pisa 1984, t. 1, s. 739-741.
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3. J. Brody, Boileau and Longinos, Genève 1958.
4. E. de Bruyne, Etudes d'esthétique médiéwale, t. 2, 1942, s. 232.
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6. P. De Bolla, The Discourse of The Sublime. Readings in History, Aesthetics and the Subject, Oxford-New York 1989.
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8. W.J. Hipple, The Beautiful, the Sublime and the Picturesque in Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetic Theory, Carbondale 1957.
9. T.A. Litman, Le sublime en France (1660-1714), Paryż 1971, s. 63-103.
10. S.H. Monk, The Sublime. A study of criticals theories in XVIII-century England, Michigan 1960, s. 10-95.
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12. L. Osiński, Dzieła, t. 4, Warszawa 1861-1862, s. 46-65.
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14. T. Rachwał, Approaches of Infinity. The Sublime and the Social. Studies in Eighteenth-Century Writings, Katowice 1993.
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16. K. Secomska, Spór o starożytność. Problemy malarstwa w „Paralelach" Perrault, Warszawa 1991, s. 69-71. ; 0867-0633
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Jul 2, 2024
Nov 16, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Kostkiewiczowa T. - Odległe źródła refleksji o wzniosłości: co się stało między Boileau a Burke`em | Jul 2, 2024 |