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Teksty Drugie Vol. 1 (2013) - Special Issue - English Edition
1. M. Bakke, Open Body: Philosophical Reinterpretations of Cultural Visions of Physicality, Poznań 2000, 108.
2. J. Bednarek, To Be a Pregnant Woman, Res Publica Nowa 1997 no 9, 26.
3. B. Budrowska, Maternity as a Turning Point in a Woman’s Life, Wrocław 2000, 379.
4. K. Budrowska, Treatise on Maternity, Przegląd Artystyczno-Literacki 2001, no 4, 83.
5. K. Budrowska, Woman and Stereotypes: Image of the Woman in the Polish Prose after 1989, Białystok 2000, 69.
6. K. Dunin, Pretty Polka, Res Publica Nowa 2001, no 8, 103.
7. M. Gretkowska, Polka, Warsaw 2002.
8. M. Gretkowska, Silikon, Warsaw 2002, 100.
9. G. Grochowski, Stereotypes – Communication – Literature, Przestrzeń Teorii 2003 no 2, 68.
10. I. Iwasiów, Language of Birth, Arkusz 1996, no 7, 7.
11. B. Kaniewska, Not Only a Yellow Shirt, Czas Kultury 1996, no 1, 88.
12. K. Kłosińska, Female signature, in: Literature of Young Poland: Between the 19th and the 20th Century, eds. E. Paczoska, J. Sztachelska, Białystok 1998, 150-190.
13. W. Lippmann, Public Opinion, after: D. Piontek, Stereotype: Genesis, Features, Functions, in: Among Myths and Stereotypes, ed. K. Borowczyk, P. Pewelczyk, Poznań/Toruń 1993, 21.
14. W. Melcer, Swastika and Child, Warsaw 1934, 22.
15. Z. Mitosek, Literature and Stereotypes, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1974, 174-190.
16. D. Morris, Intimate Behavior, trans. P. Pretkiel, Warsaw 1998, 53.
17. A. Nasiłowska, A Book of the Beginning, Warsaw 2002.
18. A. Nasiłowska, Domino. Treatise on Birth. Warsaw 1995, ed. A Book of the Beginning, Warsaw 2002.
19. A. Nasiłowska, Nature as a Source of Suffering, Teksty Drugie 1993 no 4/6, 189.
20. D. Nowacki, New Building, Old Foundations, Twórczość 2001, no 12, 116.
21. Polish Language Dictionary, vol. 3. ed. M. Szymczak, Warsaw 1999, 992.
22. A. Rich, Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution, New York, London, 1976.
23. K. Rodowska, ‘Wild Animal’ Trap, Fraza 1996, no 11, 174.
24. K. Ruta-Rutkowska, Questions about Conditio Feminae, Fraza 1999, no 4, 137.
25. B. Tokarz, Creator – Stereotype – Profiling: i.e., Alternative Literary Reality, Przestrzeń Teorii 2003 no 2, 23.
26. E. Winnicka, How to Bring Up a Child during One Weekend?, Polityka 2004, no 6, 2438, 3. ; 0867-0633
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Oct 2, 2020
Feb 23, 2015
Edition name | Date |
Slaby J. - Stereotypes of Maternity in Prose Works of Anna Nasiłowska and Manuela Gretkowska | Oct 2, 2020 |
Słaby, Jeannette
Freixa Terradas, Pau