Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN


Identyfikacja a świadectwo jako gatunek
Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy na terminalach komputerowych w instytucji, która ją udostępnia.
Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy na terminalach komputerowych w instytucji, która ją udostępnia.

Tytuł: Identyfikacja a świadectwo jako gatunek


Eaglestone, Robert

Data wydania/powstania:


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Inny tytuł:

Teksty Drugie Nr 5 (2007)



Miejsce wydania:



21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.

Typ obiektu:



1. J. Améry, At the Mind's Limits. Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and its Realities, trans. by S. Rosenfeld, S.P. Rosenfeld, Granta, London 1999, s. 1.
2. G. Banner, Holocaust Literature. Schulz, Levi, Spiegelman and the Memory of the Offence, Vallentine Mitchell, London 2000, w szczególności s. 117-120.
3. E. BenGershôm, David. The Testimony of a Holocaust Survivor, trans. by J.A. Underwood, Oswald Wolff, Oxford 1988, s. 283.
4. C. Caruth, Unclaimed Experience. Trauma, Narrative and History, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, London 1996, s. 5.
5. C. Delbo, Auschwitz and After, trans. by R.C. Lamont, introd. by L.A. Langer, Yale University Press, New Heaven-London 1995, s. X, XVII.
6. C. Delbo, Days and Memory, trans. and pref. by R. Lamont, Marlboro Press, Marlboro, VT 1990, s. 3.
7. J. Derrida, M. Ferraris, A Taste for the Secret, trans. by G. Donis, ed. by G. Donis, D. Webb, Polity, London 2001, s. 76.
8. R. Eaglestone, The Holocaust and the Postmodern, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005.
9. S. Felman, D. Laub, Testimony. Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History, Routledge, New York-London 1992, s. 7.
10. F. Fénelon, M. Routier, Playing for Time, trans. by J. Landry, Atheneum, New York 1977.
11. B. Foley, Fact, Fiction, Fascism. Testimony and Mimesis in Holocaust Narrative, "Comparative Literature" 1982 vol. 34, s. 339.
12. N. Frankel, I Survived Hell. The Testimony of a Survivor of the Nazi Extermination Camps (Prisoner Number 161040), trans. by S. Duarte, pref. by Y. Bauer, Vantage Press, New York 1991.
13. R. Frister, The Cap: or the Price of a Life, trans. by H. Halkin, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London 1999.
14. D. Fuss, Identification Papers. Readings of Psychoanalysis, Sexuality and Culture, Routledge, London 1995, s. 1.
15. E. Hahn Beer, S. Dworkin, The Nazi Officer's Wife. How one Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust, Little Brown, London 2000, s. 26.
16. K. Hart, I am Alive, Abelard-Schuman, London 1961.
17. K. Hart, I am Alive, revised ed., Corgi, London 1974.
18. K. Hart, Return to Auschwitz. The Remarkable Story of a Girl who Survived the Holocaust, Panther, London 1983, s. 111-127.
19. G. Hartman, The Longest Shadow. In the Aftermath of the Holocaust, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN 1996, s. 1.
20. S. Horowitz, Voices from the Killing Ground, w: Holocaust Remembrance. The Shapes of Memory, ed. by G. Hartman, Blackwell, Oxford 1994, s. 45.
21. Identification and the Genre of Testimony, w: Representing Holocaust, ed. S. Vice, London-Portland, OR 2003, s. 117-140.
22. J.M. Isaacson, Seed of Sarah.: Memoirs of a Survivor, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Ill, 1991, s. XI.
23. L. Langer, Pre-empting the Holocaust, Yale University Press, New Heaven-London 1998, s. 166.
24. O. Lengyel, Five Chimneys, trans. by C. Coch, P.P. Weiss, Hamilton & Co. (Stafford), London 1959, s. 82.
25. P. Levi, Czy to jest człowiek, przeł. H. Wiśniowska, WL, Kraków 1978, s. 26.
26. P. Levi, The Drowned and the Saved, trans. by R. Rosenthal, introd. by P. Bailey, Joseph, London 1988, s. 82.
27. P. Levi, If This is a Man and The Truce, trans. by S. Woolf, introd. by P. Bailey, Penguin, Harmondsworth-New York 1979 s. 380-381.
28. P. Levi, Other People's Trades, trad. by R. Rosenthal, Londyn 1999, s. 65.
29. F. Müller, Eyewitness Auschwitz. Three years in the gas chambers, literary collab. by H. Freitag, ed. and trans. by S. Flatauer, forward by Y. Bauer, I.R. Dee, Chicago 1999, s. 171.
30. A.I.M Reiter, Narrating the Holocaust, trans. by P. Camiller, Continuum in association with the European Jewish Publication Society, London 2000, s. 193.
31. A.H. Rosenfeld, Podwójna śmierć. Rozważania o literaturze Holocaustu, przeł. B. Krawcowicz, Cyklady, Warszawa 2003, s. 48.
32. D. Rousset, A World Apart, trans. by Y. Mayse, R. Senhouse, Secker & Warburg, London 1951, s. 22-23.
33. J. Semprún, Literature or Life, trans. by L. Coverdale, Viking, London 1997, s. 87-88.
34. J. Semprún, The Long Voyage, trans. by R. Seaver, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1997, s. 162-163.
35. D. Stone, Holocaust Testimony and the Challenge to Philosophy of History, w: Social Theory after the Holocaust, ed. by R. Fine, Ch. Turner, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool 2000, s. 219-234.
36. R. Vrba, A. Bestic, I Cannot Forgive, Sidgwick and Jackson-Anthony Gibbs and Phillips, London 1963, s. 261.
37. E. Wiesel, All Rivers Run to the Sea. Memoirs, vol. 1: 1928-1969, HarperCollins, London 1996, s. 78.
38. E. Wiesel, The Holocaust as Literary Inspiration, w: E. Wiesel, L.B. Smith, R. McAfee Brown, D. Rabinowitz, Dimensions of the Holocaust. Lectures at Northwestern University, annot. by E. Lefkovitz, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 1990, s. 7.
39. E. Wiesel, Noc, przeł. M. Kozłowska, WL, Kraków 2007, s. 65.
40. S. Wiesenthal, The Sunflower. On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness, with a symposium ed. by H.J. Cargas, B.V. Fetterman, Schocken Books, New York 1997, s. 14.
41. M. Wyszogrod, A Brush with Death. An Artist in the Death Camps, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY 1999, s. 31.
42. J. Young, Writing and Rewriting the Holocaust: Narrative and the Consequences of Interpretation, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN 1988, s. 26.


Teksty Drugie



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