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1. A. Andrusiewicz, Dzieje Dymidtriad 1602-1614, t. 1: Nadzieje i oczekiwania, t. 2: Na rozdrożu dziejów, Warszawa 1990.
2. Blondie tragedie, w: The False Dmitri: a Russian Romance and Tragedy, Described by British Eye-Witnesse, 1604-1612. Reprints of Contemporary Reports..., ed. with pref. by S. E. Howe, London 1918, s. 35.
3. Captain’s Gilbert Report, w: The False Dmitri: a Russian Romance and Tragedy, Described by British Eye-Witnesse, 1604-1612. Reprints of Contemporary Reports..., ed. with pref. by S. E. Howe, London 1918, s. 66.
4. C. Clark, Three Augustan Women Playwrights, „American University Studies” series 4: English language and literature, vol. 40 (1986).
5. Ph. Fletcher, Locustae, vel Pietas Jesuitica (The Locusts or Apollyonists), Cambridge 1627.
6. J. I. Marsden, Mary Pix's Ibrahim: The Woman Writers a Commercial Playwright, in: „Studies in the Literary Imagination” 1999, Nr 10/1, s. 6.
7. A. Nicoll, A history ot English Drama, 1660-1900, vol. 2, Cambridge 1927, s. 97.
8. M. Rubik, English Dramatists, Early Women Dramatists 1550-1800, London 1998, s. 88.
9. Sir Thomas Smith, Voyage and Entertainment in Russia, London 1605.
10. The Czar of Muscovy. As it is Acted the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields By His Majesty’s Servants, London 1701.
11. The False Dmitri: a Russian Romance and Tragedy, Described by British Eye-Witnesse, 1604-1612. Reprints of Contemporary Reports..., ed. with pref. by S. E. Howe, London 1918.
12. The Reporte of a Blondie and Terrible Massacre in the City of Moscow, with the Fearfull and Tragicall End of Demetrius the Last Duke, Before Him Raining at this Present, At London 1607.
13. C. V. Wedgwood, Poetry and Politics under the Stuarts, Cambridge 1960, s. 18-19.
14. Wiadomość o krwawej strasznej rzezi w mieście Moskwie, i okropny a żałosny koniec Dymitra, wielkiego księcia i cara moskiewskiego, przez Hollendra, naonczas w Moskwie bawiącego, w języku angielskim napisana i wydana w Londynie roku 1607, a teraz na język polski przełożona i pomnożona dodatkami wyjętymi ze zbiorów kórnickich, tł. L. Jagielski, Poznań 1858. ; 1507-4153
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Oct 20, 2022
Sep 29, 2015
Edition name | Date |
Cieszyńska B. - Obrazy Polski i Polaków w Dymitriadach z perspektywy brytyjskiej | Oct 20, 2022 |
Kopreeva, Tatjana N.
Burdowicz-Nowicki, Jacek (1974– )
Florâ, Boris Nikolaevič (1937– )
Chynczewska-Hennel, Teresa (1952– )
Maciszewski, Jarema (1930–2006)