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Meyer, Moe
Bartosz, Agata
Czapliński, Przemysław
21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.
1. P.L. Berger, Th. Luckmann, The social construction of reality (1966); przekład polski: Społeczne tworzenie rzeczywistości, przeł. i słowem wstępnym opatrzył J. Niżnik, PIW, Warszawa 1983, s. 62-69.
2. Gr. Blachford, Male dominance and the gay world, w: The making of the modern homosexual, ed. K. Plummer. Hutchinson, London 1981, s. 193-194.
3. G.W. Bredbeck, B/O – Barthes test/O’Hara’s trick: The phallus, the anus, and the text, „PMLA” 1993 z. 2 (108), s. 275.
4. J. Butler, Performative acts and gender constitutions: An essay in phenomenology and feminist theory, w: Performing feminism: Feminist critical theory and theatre, ed. S.-E. Case, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1990, s. 270.
5. S.-E. Case, Tracking the Vampire, „Difference” 1991 no 2 (3), s. 9.
6. T. de Lauretis, Queer theory: Lesbian and gay sexualities. An introduction, „Differences” 1991 no 3/2, s. III-VI.
7. J. Dollimore, Sexual dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1991, s. 310.
8. J. Fabian, Time and the other: How anthropology makes its object, Columbia University Press, New York 1983, s. 25-35.
9. M. Foucault, Power and strategies, w: Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1979, ed. C. Gordon, Pantheon, New York 1980, s. 142.
10. A. Giddens, The constitution of society: Outline of the theory of structuration, University of California Press, Berkeley 1984, s. 31.
11. L. Hutcheon, A theory of parody: The Teachings of twentieth-century art forms, Methuen, New York 1985, s. 7.
12. T. Lovell, Pictures of reality: Aesthetics, politics and pleasure, British Film Institute, London 1983, s. 10.
13. S. Price, Primitive art in civilized places, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1989, s. 7-22; zob. także Th.A. King Performing „Akimbo”.
14. A. Ross, Uses of Camp, w: tegoż No respect: Intellectuals and popular culture, Routledge, London 1989, s. 135-170.
15. M.J. Shapiro, The politics of representation: Writing practices in biography, photography, and policy analysis, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1988, s. 5-30.
16. S. Sontag, Notes on Camp (1964). Przedruk w: tejże A Susan Sontag Reader, Vintage Books, New York 1983, s. 105-111.
17. The poetics and politics of camp, ed. M. Meyer, Routledge, London–New York 1994, s. 1-22.
18. S. Watney, Troubleshooters: Simon Watney on outing, „Artforum” 1991 no 30/3, s. 16-18. ; 0867-0633
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Jul 10, 2024
Sep 29, 2014
Edition name | Date |
Meyer M. - Dyskurs kampu. Rewindykacja | Jul 10, 2024 |
Karski, Kamil Kobiałka, Dawid
Woroniecka-Krzyżanowska, Dorota
Górski, Karol
Czapliński, Przemysław